February 2021 Update

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By Scott Allen Czysz

Published Feb 2, 2021

  • Monthly Update

Hi all, welcome to February. For this month's update, I've got progress to share on all four games I mentioned last month.

Count of the Nine Estates game cover
Count of the Nine Estates game cover

Button Shy Games is in the last couple days of their Kickstarter campaign for reprints of their existing games. Go check it out if you are interested: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/239309591/button-shy-wallet-games-reprint-campaign-2021

So, naturally, they have been busy managing that. So, although there is not a lot new to report, the cards are being printed, and the game should be ready in a month or so. The game will be available to Button Shy's Board Game of the Month Club and for sale on their website when it is ready.

I continue to work with Word Forge Games on what will be a second Kickstarter campaign for Pocket Landship. We've got most of the details worked out. I believe new art is being commissioned, so we are getting close. I would guess a Kickstarter campaign in March (but this is only a guess). The plan as I understand it is to offer a reprint of the original Word Forge Game edition of the game, using standard card stock instead of the super thick cards from last time, PLUS an 18 card (or so) expansion adding a few new twists:

  • A Weather card, where the player will roll one die a few times per game to change the weather. Some weather conditions will help the player, some will help the enemy, and some will help or hurt both sides. This will be optional to use, just something for some variety.
  • A couple more Shock Troops cards, again just for additional variety.
  • A few more "more stuff cards": player cards, Driver cards, Commander cards. I don't believe there will be any additional enemy cards.
  • A 2 player competitive mode. Each player will have their own landship, and they will be playing against a common pool of enemies (each player will start with 3 enemy cards in front of them, but the back row cards will be shared. The players will need to (or at least should) cooperate some, but a winner will be determined by determining who destroyed the strongest group of enemies. It's a fun different way to play and I think a nice complement to the 2 player co-op mode from last time.

Drakard game in coil bound book
Drakard game in coil bound book

I entered Drakard in TheGameCrafter's "Community Anthology Challenge". All games needed to be contained on exactly 2 pages and use a subset of common components. There were 90 entries, and although Drakard was not a finalist, it will be published with all the other 90 entries in a coil bound book by TheGameCrafter.

I like the idea of the coil bound book and common components. Some day, I may try to add more Drakard-like games, and/or games in that world, to create my own coil bound book of 6 or 8 or 10 or 12 games. Someday.

I have been spending a fair amount of time playing and hopefully improving "depleted". And, I have been exchanging ideas with David Francis as he playtests the game and provides great feedback. It's a wonderful world we live in where someone I've never met and who lives on the other side of the planet in Australia is willing to playtest my game idea. Thanks David.

I've been playing around with TheGameCrafter's 3D box viewer (see image below). I am not sure where this game will end up, but one option is TheGameCrafter, so this is what it could look like. But, this is mainly just for fun. If you want to try out their box viewer software, go check it out: https://help.thegamecrafter.com/article/425-3d-box-viewer

box rendering for depleted game
Draft game box for "depleted"